A hands-on workshop on Nov. 2, 2013 in Morgantown will demonstrate how students can visualize the electrolysis of water in a microfluidic device in under one minute.  All workshop attendees will receive documented laboratory protocol that accompany the laboratory experiment and instructional materials that meet West Virginia content standards and objectives.   The first twenty teachers who RSVP to the session (by emailing Lisa.Holland@mail.wvu.edu, RE: RSVP WVSTA workshop) receive microfluidic devices to implement the experiment in their own West Virginia K-12 classroom.  

Electrolysis of water is a standard chemistry experiment, but the typical laboratory apparatus (e.g. Hoffman cell) is best suited for group presentations.  With microfluidics the cell volume is reduced from 100 milliliters to 10 microliters, yet the electrolysis is easily and safely viewed by an individual.  A single device is reusable and assembled for under $5. 

This presentation will describe the development, implementation and assessment of the microfluidic learning module.